

有水喝,他就会立刻改观。请捐助世界卫生组织饮用水项目。 Provide him water, make him improve immediately. Please donate WHO drinking water projet. 世界卫生组织特殊媒体 Word Health Organization New Media 挑战:饮用水是否充足、是否卫生,都会显著影响儿童健康。但是亚非落后地区的饮水状况却没有得到人们的重视。世界卫生组织“饮用水项目”希望通过宣传,鼓励人们热心捐款。Challenge: A child's well-being is highly dependent on both the quality and the availability of water. But in Afro-Asian areas, the solution is not put enough attention. WHO's "drinking water project" is encouraging people to give out financial help to these areas. 策略:在北京各处举办宣传活动,并派发特出的玻璃杯。杯壁上印有一个消瘦的儿童形象,当杯中注满水后,通过水的折射,消瘦的儿童立刻“长胖了”。直观显示出“有水喝,他就会立刻改观”的主题,促使人们慷慨解囊。 Strategy: By doing campaign in Beijing and give out the glasses. Print a skinny child image on the glass, as the water filed the glass, by the effect of refraction, the skinny child began getting "fat" visually shows the theme of "Having water to drink, he will improve" therefore encourage people to donate money. 结果:人们开始关注健康饮用水问题。一天之内,北京各处宣传点累计筹款15.32万元。Results:People's attention were drawed to the drinking water issue and within one day, among all the campaign site all toegether donated RMB 153200.

Carlsberg "Beer Case" 人人都是大力士

Through a small investment in paper bags distributed in stores, they turned pedestrians into free outdoor advertisements of "Shumensko" beer. The optical illusion of people, carrying with ease a case of beer in one hand, entertains onlookers, as well as the actual bag-owners.
Advertising agency: Noble Graphics Creative Studio, Bulgaria
Creative Director: Marsel LeviArt Director: Georgi Kasabov
Photographer/Illustrator: Atanas Kanchev