

The Lifesaver was developed in response to natural disasters such as 2004’s tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. The concept is relatively simple, based upon the fact that the smallest virus is 25 nanometers across, so by using a filter with holes 15 nanometers across, all nasties can be trapped without the need for chemicals. The term ‘nasties’ is actually quite an understatement. Lifesaver can filter out bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological waterborne pathogens. And in the real world, of course, the bottle was much harder to realize than we’ve described it. The bottle is the world’s first ultra filtration water bottle, and the inventor put all of his life savings into developing it. But it was this level of development effort that has brought about a product that is exceptionally easy to use. Fill it with water by unscrewing the base and dipping it in the nearest puddle or stream, screw the base back and use the pump to force the water through to a teat at the other end. The clean water can then be drunk directly or poured into a separate container for storage. These simple instructions make it suitable for use by children, and in developing countries. Lifesaver是一件概念新颖的便携式水过滤器,能将自然界的水净化到可饮用的级别。该水杯的原理是采用了纳米级滤芯,最小的病菌的直径为25纳米左右,而Lifesaver的滤芯则达到16纳米,因此能将细菌过滤出去。 Lifesaver是一件概念新颖的便携式水过滤器,能将自然界的水净化到可饮用的级别。该水杯的原理是采用了纳米级滤芯,最小的病菌的直径为25纳米左右,而Lifesaver的滤芯则达到16纳米,因此能将细菌过滤出去。 之所以说其新颖,还是于Lifesaver的使用非常简单和高效。只需将水瓶放到水中,打开底盖,将水瓶浸入水池或河流中,灌满水后,旋紧底盖。河水就依靠活塞的压力,通过滤芯,到达瓶口。一分钟内,就可以过滤750毫升的水。Lifesaver的滤芯可拆换,使用寿命为4000升,如果你每天饮水2升,可以用5年半。该设计曾在2007年士兵技术论坛中获得未来士兵系统装备的最佳技术奖。 The unit uses replaceable filters, which can treat about 4000 liters of water – five and a half years of usage if you drank 2 liters every day. The filter is speedy, too - 750ml of water can be prepared in just under a minute. And users can rest safe in the knowledge they’re getting maximum life out of the product without poisoning themselves, as the unit has a unique feature to shut itself off when the cartridge has expired.
这么好的玩意儿,要多少钱呢?英镑230元,这个价钱还真不是一般人能承受的。尽管这种技术,非常适合环境恶劣地区的发展中国家和受灾地区使用,然而不菲的价钱,还是使这项产品只能用于户外、装备等特殊场合。 Costing £230 ($460), the Lifesaver isn’t exactly cheap, but it is a world first, and we’re sure the price reflects the genuinely innovative R&D that went into its development. Not only was it featured at Well-tech, it won ‘Best Technological Development for Future Soldier System Enhancement’ at Soldier Technology 2007. It’s ironic that a design that can bring world peace can also support world conflict, but here’s hoping it’s used for the former rather than the latter.

循环利用废气的绿盒子Green box

click here to read the English Version 全球最有钱最聪明的专家们耗费数亿的资金,为减少汽车的尾气排放而挖空心思。来自英国北威尔士的研究小组却坚信他们能搞定这件事儿。 们发明了一种安装在汽车下面的盒子“Greenbox”,能吸收二氧化碳、一氧化氮等温室气体。经过这个盒子之后,汽车尾气基本以水蒸气为主。当汽车加油的时候,可以将装满气体的盒子取下,更换上空的。而装满气体的“Greenbox”,集中后送往加工处理厂,用于培养转基因藻类。这些藻类最终可被加工成生物燃料、甲烷燃料和肥料等。 据称,该系统在过去两年里,已经进行了超过130次的测试,尾气采集率高达85%95%。目前,研发团队在积极与各类厂商接触,以推广他们的技术。研发小组称,他们目前已经拿到了两个来自亚洲的高额意向订单,但并未透露买家的名字。他们还联系了日本的丰田汽车和美国的通用汽车,但这两家公司拒绝对这一消息发表评论。 这套系统的优势在于,它能最大限度地与现有系统相适应。但“Greenbox”终怎样获得大众的接受,如何在各地建立尾气加工处理厂,这些问题都是影响这一设想最终推广的关键因素


conceal towel shelf.隐藏式毛巾架

can you believe it??? it is floating!!!! 一个有意思的小设计。相信第一次见到这个毛巾架的人,都会奇怪这些毛巾怎么会飘在空中。。